Snohomish County Farmers Markets

2024 Season

Fresh Local Produce, Certified Organics, Nursery Stock, Vegetables, Cut Flowers, Honey, Baked Goods, Farm Produce, Artisans, Craftspeople, Old Fashioned Fun! Come for the Freshness, Stay For the Fun!
Snohomish Thursday Farmers Market
A short walk from Historic Downtown Snohomish
Thursdays, 3pm until 7:00pm
May 2nd- September 26th
This lively evening market opens its 33rd season. The Snohomish Market is known for its wonderful selection of bedding plants, flowers, herbs and other nursery stock. A WSU Master Gardener is on hand to answer your questions from June through August. We also feature fresh fruits and vegetables, organics, honey, baked goods and handmade crafts. Located at 1st and Cedar in Historic Downtown Snohomish.
Snohomish Farmers Market
Please contact Sarah Dylan Jensen at (425) 280-4150
or email snohomishfarmersmarket@gmail.com

Edmonds Museum Summer Market
Located in Downtown Edmonds
Summer Market
Saturdays, 9am until 2pm
May 4th - October 19th
This overwhelmingly popular farmers market is opening its 27th season. Stroll beautiful Downtown Edmonds and visit with over 120 vendors. The Market features local farmers selling a wide variety of Washington produce and farm products as well as some of the finest artisans and craftspeople our region has to offer.
Please contact (425) 774-0900
or email marketinfo@historicedmonds.org

Everett Farmers Market
Downtown Everett - Hewitt and Wetmore
Sundays, 10:30am until 3pm
May 12th - October 29th
Now in its 31st season, this Market is located in historic Downtown Everett between Hewitt/Wetmore and Pacific/Wetmore. It showcases the very best in handmade homegrown goods. We feature farm fresh fruits vegetables, organic produce, flowers, plants, herbs, honey, baked goods and local handmade crafts.
Please contact (425) 422-5656
or email everettfarmersmarket@gmail.com

Market Links
Snohomish Bakery & Cafe
National Honey Board
Celtic Copper
Washington State Farmers Market Association
Natural Honey Benefits
16 Health Benefits of Honey
Website Contact webmaster@snohomishmarkets.com
Copyright © 2023 Snohomish Markets |
When you see the
Sound Fresh logo, you know the produce you are about to enjoy was grown in one of the 12 counties surrounding
Puget Sound.
